Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Day 4

Getting closer with year end..
What I've done in this year?
Did I made an improvement during this year?
How many mistakes I've made during this year?

How about my plant to next year?
Just tell me what should I do to make it better in the next year...

3 komentar:

  1. ehem ...well there are changes in the world:
    1. Changes because of nature
    2. Changes because of effort
    3. Changes because of disaster

    Pastinya :
    1. Telah terjadi changes because of nature :...karena umur nya nambah he2
    2. Elo kan udah naik gaji di kerjaan
    3. disasterrr..herrrrrr..semoga tidak terjadi

    Tahun depan resolusi nya..
    mmmmm... taro di diary...di ucapkan ke temen terdeket supaya lebih nguatin semangat untukmembuktikan...

    selanjutnya...hyaa.....terserah lo..


  2. Improvement ==> changes begitu ?


    1. When you have the spirit of "dont want to be static"..so it is the beginning of you make changes..thats mean you made improvement

    2. There are many changes..changes becozzz of nature..you become olderrrr...changes because of effort..your salary is up to the next level..eheee...bersyukur..n then changes because of disaster...ga ada kan?...bersyukur..

    3. apa ya....mau bikin resolusi...ARe U Dareee?...ehehee..yah sudah tulis aja di blog lo mau biin resolusi ape.kan udah di umumin,,,itu sebagai pendorong lo untuk membuktikan...

    4. Berdoa berusaha tawakal...

    tawakal itu apa ya?..coba jeng dijelaskan...saya kehilangan kata-kata

  3. Alhamdulillah kalau memang naik gaji..
    Tapi sementara ini belum tuch.. :p

    Makasih ya Z.. atas dukungannya..
